
Column "Camellia" part 6

~International Camellia Society (ICS) director Jennifer Trehane ~

International Camellia Society (ICS) director Jennifer Trehane ~In October, Jennifer Trehane, a director of the ICS, will come to Oshima to judge whether our three gardens should be recognized as ICGEs. Jennifer Trehane is one of the directors of the ICS and has contributed to various gardening magazines and columns over the years, including BBC Gardener's World, The Garden, The Times, among others. She is the author of A Gardener's Guide to the Genus. She currently runs Dorset Blueberry Nursery in the UK. Whether our gardens can be recognized as ICGEs (through an evaluation by an ICS committee next February) will depend on her impression of our three gardens. We are now doing our best so that our three gardens in Oshima fulfill every criterion to be recognized as ICGEs (for example identifying labels).

  • camellia


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