

椿は古くから庭木として親しまれている日本を代表する花木のひとつです。 東南アジアや中国に多く分布するツバキ属250種の北限に位置するヤブツバキは日本特産で、北海道を除くほぼすべてに分布しています。 つばきの名前の由来は、厚葉樹または艶葉樹がなまったものとされていて、漢字の木へんに春の椿は中国では別の植物(チャンチン)にあてられています。 ヤブツバキは古くから日本人の生活に深くかかわっており、遣唐使が中国に持って行った贈り物の中に椿油が含まれていました。 ヤブツバキは風、塩や炎に強いため、特に大島では家や畑の周りに防風林として植えられ、その材は良質な炭の原料として使われました。 花後にできる実からは椿油が取れ、食用、化粧品として使われています。またその花は古くから茶道にはかかせない重要なものとして扱われてきました。 17世紀にヨーロッパに持ち込まれたヤブツバキはその後、園芸改良され多くの品種を生み出しました。

Camellia japonica has been so popular as a garden tree that people regard it as one of the typical flower trees of Japan. Among about 250 species of the genus Camellia, which is distributed mainly from southeast Asia to China, japonica grows at northern limit of this range. It is native to the Japanese archipelago and is distributed over all of Japan except for Hokkaido. It is said that the Japanese name "Tsubaki" came from "Atsubagi(a tree with thick leaves)" or "Tsuyabagi(a tree with glossy leaves)". The Kanji for "Tsubaki(椿)", which consists of the kanji for wood(木) and spring(春), stands for another tree in Chinise(the Chinese cedar). Camellia japonica has influenced the daily life of Japanese people for a long time. When a Japanese envoy was dispatched to China during Tang Dynasty, they carried camellia oils with them. Because Camellia japonica is resistant to wind, fire, and salty winds, it was planted around the house or farm to serve as a wind breaker, especially in Oshima. People made high-grade charcoals from its wood and extracted oil for cooking and making cosmetics. Furthermore, its flowers have been considered important and indispensable for the tea ceremony. Since Camellia japonica was brought to Europe in the 17th century, many cultivars have been invented. Now, cultivars of camellia number 2,400 in Japan. and over 20,000 cultivars are registered worldwide. Among them the Metropolitan Oshima Park is exhibiting about 1000 cultivars.

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